Course: Mobile Application Development 2025 Batch A
Text lesson

1. Introduction to Mobile Application Development With Flutter

In this course, you will learn how to build mobile applications using the Flutter framework. Flutter can be used to build Android and iOS mobile applications. What that means is that you build just one app and that app can be packaged to serve as an Android and iOS app.

This is one of the main selling points of flutter – being able to build once and deploy to multiple platforms. Without Flutter, you would have to build two apps (i.e. maintain two difference code bases), using two different technologies. This usually takes more time, effort and costs more money. But with Flutter, you can “kill multiple birds with one stone”.

In order to get started building mobile applications with Flutter, you first need to set up your computer, by downloading the needed software and doing the neccesary configurations on your computer, so it’s able to build flutter applications.

In the next lesson, you get to learn where to download the needed software for flutter and the required configurations to be done on your computer for flutter.