SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name) OVER (PARTITION BY column_name)
FROM table_name;
Example of ‘PARTITION BY’
1). SELECT CookieName,Quantity,RevenuePerCookie,
Count(CookieName) OVER (PARTITION BY cookieName) AS TotalCookie
FROM [dbo].[Product]
JOIN [dbo].[Order_Product]
ON [dbo].[Order_Product].CookieID=[dbo].[Product].CookieID
2). SELECT CustomerName,OrderTotal,
Count(CustomerName) OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerName) As TotalCustomerName
FROM [dbo].[Customers]
JOIN [dbo].[Orders]
ON [dbo].[Orders].CustomerID=[dbo].[Customers].CustomerID
Difference between Partition by and group by
SELECT CookieName,Quantity,RevenuePerCookie,Count(CookieName)
FROM [dbo].[Product]
JOIN [dbo].[Order_Product]
ON [dbo].[Order_Product].CookieID=[dbo].[Product].CookieID
GROUP BY CookieName,Quantity,RevenuePerCookie.
A temporary table is a base table that is not stored in the database but instead exists only while the database session in which it was created is active. At first glance, this may sound like a view, but views and temporary tables are rather different: ▪ A view exists only for a single query.
A temporary SQL table, also known as a temp table, is a table that is created and used within the context of a specific session or transaction in a database management system. It is designed to store temporary data that is needed for a short duration and does not require a permanent storage solution.
What is difference between temp table and view in SQL?
Similar to Temp Tables, Views do not store the data itself but instead presents the result of a query as if it were a table. A very important distinction between Temp Tables and Views is that typically the creation of Views is limited to the Database Administrators.
CREATE TABLE EmployeeSalary(
EmployeeID int,
JobTitle varchar(50),
Salary int
FROM EmployeeSalary
INSERT INTO EmployeeSalary
‘1009’, ‘Salesman’, ‘31000’)
Temp table
CREATE TABLE #tem_Empioyee(
EmplyeeID int,
JobTitle varchar(50),
Salary int)
FROM #tem_Empioyee
INSERT INTO #tem_Empioyee
‘1001’, ‘HR’, ‘80000’
Used the existing table information from employee salary to fill into #tem_Employee table
INSERT INTO #tem_Empioyee
FROM EmployeeSalary
Views are another type of virtual table that can be used in SQL. Views are similar to CTEs, but there are some important differences. First, views can be used by multiple users at the same time. Second, views can be used to restrict access to the underlying data, so only certain users can see certain information. And third, views can be used to perform operations like joins and aggregation.
vw_Customers_and_Orders AS SELECT
C.CustomerName, Phone,
c.address,, O.OrderDate, O.OrderTotal
FROM [dbo].[Customers]C
JOIN [dbo].[Orders]O
ON O.CustomerID=C.CustomerID
FROM vw_Customers_and_Orders