Course: Data Analysis
Text lesson

Data modelling


Let say you have two tables,” Sales “and “product”. The Sales table is a fact table that contains data about each sales transactions including the date, product, quantity, and sale amount. The product table is a dimension table that contains information about each product, including the product name, category and description. You can create the relationship between the table by linking the productid column in the sales table to the productid column. in the product table.

Cardinality is the direction in which the data flows.

1.    One to one relationship: It is called one to one because it connects directly to one key in the other table.

2.     One to many relationships; This is because one record in one table is linked to multiple records in another table.

3.    Many to one relationship: This is because many records in one table is linked with one record in another table

4.    Many to many relationships: This is because many records in one table is linked to many records in another table.

DAX (Data Analysis Expression)

By using Data Analysis Expressions (DAX), you can add three types of calculations to your semantic model:

·         Calculated tables

·         Calculated columns

·         Measure